For those of you who don't know ~ we have one of those 10 year old, falling apart vans that epitomize LDS families (unless you're talking to the teenager at our house who thinks EVERYONE has an SUV except her family). At this point, it runs great, it's completely trustworthy, and I can park just about anywhere. However, even though it does have two sliding doors, one of them had been broken for over a year. Well, about a week ago the other one finally gave up as well, (I'm beginning to learn that this is a common Toyota problem, John however, believes that it is a "soda spilled into the sliding door molding, causing the door to stick putting undo stress on the handle" problem. - Unfortunately, and you know I rarely admit this, I think he is probably right.) This most recent event caused the van to be a traveling death trap, as once the doors were broken from the outside, they were "unopenable" (No, I'm not sure that is a real word) from the inside. Well, John found the parts on a Toyota website and yesterday he fixed BOTH doors. YEA JOHN!!! We all stood there, like Tom Hanks in "Castaway" turning the light switch on and off, just opening the door and shutting it over and over again, like it was some kind of miracle. I think we were all truly amazed (including John) that 1) the doors could be fixed and 2)it didn't take an act of congress and a ward fast to get it done. John said that it was actually pretty easy. But we'll just credit that to his superior "fix it" skills. At any rate, the doors are fixed, the van is safe again. If we could get that new belt to stop screaching everytime we start it up, Natalie might actually start riding with us again.
hello Carol
9 years ago
My Caravan's door stopped working quite a while back. I am sure if this was on Jim's car it would have been fixed as soon as it broke. I will have to tell him John fixed yours, and maybe he will start thinking about fixing mine.
John found instructions for getting the door panel off on the internet. That's what made it easy. I told him he'd have to start driving the van and I'd take the truck because it was the only safe way for the kids. That was very motivating.
I love this post because we are drive-cars-into-the-ground type people. (Gty is still driving the Honda Civic we got when we were married 12 years ago). Gotta love a man who can rip a car apart and put it back together!
That is srsly SAWEET. At least being the "family slave" pays off once in awhile. I am also a believer in keeping cars around. Our van (yes Natalie, WE have a van TOO) has problems coming up left and right. But when I think about my kids getting into a brand new one with their dirty bodies, sticky hands, and spilling of everything, I am glad to have my old one.
Way to go John! Thanks so much for thinking of me. I get to go to the funeral on Friday in Utah.
Sure, I'll take the kleets.
I really Miss my beloved Mini Van. Nothing is better than sliding doors. Remember the big red stain I had on the front passenger floor mat? From when I turned a corner too fast and I spilled your CHERRY coke everywhere. Giggle Giggle!!! I guess if I can get that out ANYTHING will come out if you pay the right people to do it. he, he!
Amy - please reference my "mouse eating the cheese" story on landee's blog. I think it's under her most recent mouse count. Unless of course you remember me telling the story. Hence - "you can get anything out if get the right people (or rodents)to do it !"
so next time natalie comes to babysit I should ask her if she would rather sit in the back then sit with me in the front. . . where I am jamming out to the latest disney songs (by disney I mean HSM, Camp Rock, Hannah Montana) Oh I am so cool in my mini van!
Ps I don't know about you but I get all of my great ideas from everyone else!
Cyndi - actually - you and I do the exact same things, wear the same clothes, and drive the same car and you would be "so cool" and I would be "so embarassing". I am "the mother", I wear the badge proudly. Even though sometimes it is the MOST confusing job ever !
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