Okay - So my dear better half that I raved so hopelessly about in my last post, kindly suggested that our van problems would be solved if I didn't let the kids eat in the car. I explained that while this looks good on paper it just isn't practical. He boasted that he
rarely lets them eat in his truck. I gently reminded him that our delightful offspring spend about twenty times the amount of time in the van as they do in his truck,
and that his truck is newer,
and that he does give in some of the time so it's all relative anyway. He then sweetly noted that he "bets that most of my friends don't let
their kids eat in
their cars". So please weigh in friends. I have a poll to the right. I would like to know if I stand alone as a negligent mother of slothful children. Or do you also have a three course meal hidden between the seats in your automobile ?
There is nothing quite like finding a half of a chicken nugget & part of a cheeseburger under the seats/in the "storage" areas in the back seat. What's even better is then watching your 6 yo eat it.
Confucius say: She who does not let her kids eat in the car will end up in the nutters house some day.
My husband feels the same way. He doesn't allow the kids to eat in his car but they only ride in his car maybe once every couple of months! For the first week or so, after buying my car, I didn't let the kids eat in it, until my kids were going crazy on a trip to the outlets and ever since my car has been a mess!
funny - as he was removing the seats from the van to get a better angle at the door panels, my hus found half a sleeve of Girl Scout Trefoils (we used to call them Scott-Ts). As each child came home and saw them lying in the 'trash pile' they said "We have Girl Scout Cookies"? in an excited tone. What a terrible waste.
Not letting your kids eat in the car is like.........not giving your husband "mommy/daddy time". It's impossible. Tell him that.
By the by, I'm not sure if you were around when I quoted my wise husband but I'll repeat because it is especially poignant at this time. When my oldest came home from a b-day party and got black grease paint all over my yellow couch he sighed and said, "Honey... we had a decision to make. We could either have nice things or have kids. We chose kids."
Sounds like you chose kids as well!
We got our old van when Tukker was a baby and Chelsey was 18 months old. How do you tell a baby "darling, you may not have a bottle of formula until we reach our destination." Parenting makes you a slob. I have never quite figured out how the the roof inside the car got so stained up, though...
Hey Kelly !! It's Cortnie and I noticed a comment on the Urmston's blog and thought I would ck out yours !! And yes, I let my kids eat in the van and it adds years to it, I tell you. But sometimes nothing pacifies them like food and I hate driving with screaming kids!! Anyway, tell everyone hello!
I already told you how crazy clean I am and YES I let them eat in the car. Sometimes that is the only TIME they can since you usually are running to practice, church etc....
Well my answer is not entirely of the normal variety because *I* rarely drive with the kids in the car....mostly because I rarely drive. I've driven MAYBE four times this year, with the kids, and they survived with no food. My mom has a no food in her car rule and she has them far more than I do in her car...Kevin doesn't care but we don't really ride that much as a family together, just to church on Sunday and they can make it without eating.
There are those Gerber Fruit Puffs in everyone's car though because children under 2, who scream for no good reason in the car, get what they want when they want it. We're not totally crazy!
Me likey the way things look around here!!
thanks ! Me too - I hated that other background - but I have background commitment issues so it takes me forever to pick a new one. It's as bad as scrapbooking - I'm thinking I'm going to have to learn how those women make these cute backgrounds. They spin them out like crazy so it can't be too tough if you have the right software right ?
On behalf of my sister who has yet to enter the blogging world "If I didn't let my kids eat in the car, they would miss half of their meals! . . . sorry John"
Alright Dana - John said you're probly the one that messed up my 100% average on the poll. So come on - comment and defend yourself !
Our ghetto fabulous suburban is our favorite picnic spot!!
holy 14 comments!! okay, i've been sufficiently intimidated into a comment that i don't think anyone wants to hear anyway (this is for you john -100%). here we go....no, i don't let my kids eat in the car. sometimes i throw them a bone (or a fruit snack) when i would rather throw them (the kids)out the window and sometimes i find that my kids have bootlegged some illegal contraban (starburst, etc.) evidenced by the wrappers tossed around in the back. soooo, i guess at any given moment you probably would find my car fairly clean (too bad i can't say as much for my house).
hey, did you hear that?? i think that was the sound of me tooting my own horn!!
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