Me: (trying to teach Nate about fractions and inequalities)See this pie - it only has one out of four slices left that's 1/4(th) - this pie has three out of four slices left or 3/4(ths). So which one would is greater ? (meaning greater than or less than)
Nate: Blank stare
Me: Which one has the most - you know - which one would you want ?
Nate: I would want the 1/4 because I don't really like pie.
hello Carol
9 years ago
How do they get like that?? Caden did the same thing when I tried to explain fractions and inequalities, I'd tell him something and he just stared and said I don't get it over and over again without even trying to understand. I hope it's just the age, and that it gets better over time, wishful thinking!
Hahahaha! That is the greatest!
Too funny!
Giggle, I agree.
Hee Hee! Teenagers! Didn't you tell me once that their brains are growing and that's why they don't think quite right? By the way - I stopped by your blog to see your Women's Conference update - where is it? :0)
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