I’m trying to think of something really intelligent to say. You know, like I’m a deep thinker and I have this whole Prop 8 thing figured out. Don’t misunderstand. I know how I’m voting and I know most of the reasons why. I’m just unclear about teaching my children.
You see, the world I was raised in saw different colors of people. I would love to say that I was raised in a home with no racial prejudices, but I wasn’t . I hope I don’t offend my parents by saying that. But it is how I feel. It is not, however, how we have raised our children. I know that my children see the differences between themselves and others (skin color, hair color, race, religion) but I can truly say that these differences do not figure into who they choose to be around or have as friends. They rarely mention whether a friend has different color skin. They have been “desensitized” to these differences. They accept others for who they are and judge them according to their choices and their behavior. I am thankful for that.
I do not want my children to think that they can “dislike” a person only because they are gay. I do not want my children to sit in judgment of a gay person. It is not our job. I do not want my children to think that they are “better” than someone else because of “sexual preference.” However, I do not want them “desensitized” on this subject. Is that wrong ? Have I been desensitized ? Am I giving to much leeway to this “lifestyle choice”? or am I teaching tolerance and love for all mankind ? How do you make it clear that - Heavenly Father loves everyone and therefore we should do the same. However, we think that the way of life that they believe has chosen them, is morally wrong and a sin and therefore we must wage a full scale war against their so called “right” to make it legal. I believe this. Truly, I do. Is it just that this is too complicated to explain to an 8 year old and yet because I have a “Yes on Proposition 8” bumper sticker on my van that I am compelled, by his questions to do so.
I watched as Ellen Degeneres talked to John McCain about the subject. Why did I feel sympathy for her ? I agreed with John McCain whole heartedly, I just felt sorry for Ellen. Could someone please set me
straight ? (no pun intended) Tell me what you tell your kids. Tell me how you balance “Love One Another” with “avoid even the appearance of evil”.
hello Carol
9 years ago
Gosh Kellie, I am wrestling with this and have been for years. A dear friend once told me that they wouldn't allow their gay brother to stay the night with his partner because of the example it would set for their children. I see their point of view as it IS awkward to explain all these ideas that we don't agree with to children; but, personally, I couldn't live that way. I believe in marriage. I also believe strongly in "live and let live." And I believe even more passionately in tolerance. I have a male friend who is gay and I love him regardless. His choices are just that--his choices. They aren't my choices imposed on him--his lifestyle can be chosen by him as a result of his sacred gift of free agency. He will have to answer for this at judgment time, and I will answer for my own poor choices. I will be the desensitized one cowering in the corner :)
Well, we live in the Bible belt, where I don't think this issue will ever pass. We just have the other prejudice issue to deal with!!
Tracy - i don't know if you got to go to the fireside tonite - but I feel better now. One of the General Authorities explained the difference between the old definition of tolerance (as it relates to love) as opposed to a new (or perhaps politically correct) definition that seem to suggest condoning the behavior. We adhere to the old definition. Which is a love the sinner, hate the sin feeling. I've always known this. But when the bretheren express it, the spirit testifies and it all makes sense. I just hope that same spirit helps me teach my kiddos.
What fireside?? I had not heard about it.
Yeah, I heard about that fireside at like 6:50...LOL so I didn't get to go. My mom said the same thing (she went). Anyhow I'm right there with you Kelly!
I watched the video clip that went around on email about what is being taught in MA schools and kind of had a "and?????" thought. We're going to have to teach our children that there are gay people at some point, and while I know I don't want it to be in school, but under my guidance, I just can't help but feel..."and?" about having to do it. I want to do it so that my kids are tolerant (I like your old definition qualification) but understand that it is a sin.
I got my absentee ballot last night and sat down with Jakey to look it over and we talked about Prop 8 for a few minutes, he was remarkably open to understanding why we should love our one another but not condone everything they do. He said it's like loving him even when we don't think what he did was right. Like when he tells a lie, it is wrong, and we can't let him do that, but we still love him. I think that's as simple as it gets.
Anyhow, see you tonight at enrichment! :)
You know - maybe we should let the kids teach each other. Things are so clear to them. They don't get it all confused with political correctness and temptation. Thanks Dawn !
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